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Myth1.The harder you brush ,the cleaner your teeth (WRONG !)

  • Reality:  Hard brushing can wear down enamel and damage gums. Gentle is the way to go

Myth 2.Brushing immediately after eating is best (WRONG !)

  • Reality: Hold up! Wait 30 minutes. Brushing too soon after eating can harm enamel softened by acids.


Myth 3. A hard bristle brush cleans better. (NOPE !)

  • Reality: Soft bristles are kinder on gums and enamel, yet clean just as effectively.

Myth 4. The longer you brush the better.(NO !)

  • Reality: Not quite! Two minutes is the gold standard. Overdoing it can lead to gum irritation.


Myth 5. Brushing once a day is enough (FALSE !)

  • Reality: False! Twice daily is the magic number. Morning and night keep plaque at bay.



  • “There you have it! Don’t fall for these myths. Share the truth and keep those smiles bright!”

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