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types and cost of dental crown

There are four types of crowns and we are going to discuss about the advantage and disadvantages of each dental crown.

E-max crowns

There are highly aesthetic crowns which can exactly match with your natural teeth and there usually are preferred in front teeth only, that too a very short span.


These types of crowns cannot be identified even by a dentist if properly done and matched with nearby teeth

Zirconia crowns

zirconia crowns

There are high strength and high aesthetic crowns.

There can be used in front teeth and back teeth and it can be used to match teeth exactly.

Even though Zirconia technically is a “White Metal” these two E-max and Zirconia are considered metal free” as they do not have a metal layer to support them and therefore they are more natural.

A metal layer limit light passing through the teeth making it opaque and therefore course slight difference in shade which does not happen in Emax and Zirconia.

Metal ceramic crowns

This type of crowns has a metal layer over which tooth colored ceramic material is layered.

Even though it is tooth colored, it has not exactly matched the natural teeth like E-max or Zirconia.

These crowns are of two types

Normal one is which metal layer is formed by normal casting procedures.

DMLS is which metal layer is formed by laser process therefore it is more precise fitting.

Metal crowns

There crowns are not preferred now a days as they are not tooth colored.

metal crown

Emax crowns – Rs 10000 – Rs 15000


Zirconia Crowns – Rs 10000 – Rs 20000


Metal ceramic Crowns – Rs 5000 – Rs 7000



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