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zygoma implants

Is your jaw bone the only place where a dental Implants can be placed which can support a teeth set or a prosthesis.

Do you or your parents or grandparents meet a dentist for dental implant and you were told that you don’t have adequate bone for implantation.

Then you should probably have a look at the zygomatic implants.

Why not regular Implants:

Regular implants can be used when there is adequate bone in the upper jaw.

If a lot of time has passed between tooth removal and your desire to get implants done, there is a big air space in the upper jaw called maxillary sinus.

This air space becomes larger and larger, thereby reducing the bone quantity when there is very minimal bone, It cannot support regular implants.

What are Zygoma Implants:

zygoma implants

The Zygoma are nothing but your cheek bone and it is a cortical or a high density bone. This bone is used to support Implants which extend to your mouth and supports the prosthesis.


An OPG and a CT scan will be needed to access the amount and quality of bone.

Local anesthesia / General anesthesia:

Being a slightly bigger procedure than regular dental implants, it is mostly preferred to be done in general anesthesia.


Two to four regular implants are placed in the front portion of upper jaw and two zygomatic implants are placed in back portion. Zygomatic implants supported teeth are the way to go if don’t have bone.


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